14/11/2014 - 28th Gateway Bday party, BELGIQUE

Ce sujet est la partie discussion de l'événement « - 28th Gateway Bday party, BELGIQUE»
Voir les détails de l'événement


[citation]To celebrate 2 sisters' 28th birthday, and to celebrate life itself and it's wonderful musical creations, we decided to gather some magical people and their heavenly musical vibrations ...


We our honored to host this magnificent Line-up :


* MYTHOSPHERIC (Aner Ben Shoshan - Israel)
First time in Belgium !
Expect ... Floating melodic progressive downtempo ...

* CYMATICS (Itamar Oval - Israel - Suntrip Records)
First time in Belgium !
Expect ... Pure melodic Goatrance

* JAGOA (Ja Go - Belgium - Suntrip Records)
Bringing us magical floating downtempo sweetness

* IMBA / SPACE ELVES (Nikola Petrovic - Serbia - Suntrip Records)
3 numbers... 1 word ... 303 madnesssssss Smiley


* CESAR MIMESIS (Spain - Red Dust)
Melodies .. sweet madness Smiley

* ANOEBIS (Joske Vranken - Belgium - Suntrip Records)
Acidic trancy Goatrance ... Epic moments ahead Smiley

* LYNX (Jonathan Jokke - Belgium - Suntrip Records)
Crazy mad yet floating Goatrance

In the morning hours they will finish with a back to back ... If the crowd is still alive Smiley

So... my dear friends.. Grace us with your presence.. it is the only gift we ask for Smiley
There will be heavenly chocolate cake for the early birds and some in the morning Smiley Chai tooooo Smiley

Location yet to be confirmed ... soon Smiley

Entrance: 15 eurootjes[/citation]
maj line up
Next week avec after de folie l aprem/soir d apres avec la mushroom land!!! (Lien plus haut)
noirfluo wrote :
maj line up

Yup! Le lieu de la petite sauterie est privé? Vu que le lien d'event ne s'affiche pas. Au pire il y a toujours le ptit after mais autant faire les 2  Smiley
hello, file ton pseudo fb en pm je t inv sur l event =)
pinaize cette soirée m'aurai fait le plus grand bien !
la zik etait exag Smiley

omg imba et anoebis apres... pffffffff Smiley la folie!!!!