18/08/2008 - 20/08/2008 - Official After Boom UTOPIA 2008

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S.Gião - Oliveira do Hospital [Portugal] / Open Air UPDATE
Mon, 18 Aug 08 22:00h - Wed, 20 Aug 08 12:00h

opening live


>> Live Acts


BRAINCELL (Glowing Flame / Phar Psyde – CH)

DEJAVOO (Transient – UK)

ELECTRYPNOSE (Kabrathor Rec - FR)

KRUNCH (Hommega – ISR)

NARCOPHONE (Addic-Sound - FR)

PARAHALU (Psylife Music - HU)


POISON (Samaveda - PT)

SYSTEM 7 (A-Wave - UK)

TRYON (Hypergate - PT)

VIBRACOUSTIC (Shaman Electro - CH)

>> DJ's


ANAHATA (Materia – SP)

ANESTETIC (Time Code – PT)

FLUXO (Quest4Goa – PT)

GIO (Yellow Sunshine Explosion – IT)

IGUANA (Parvati / Noise Poison / Shaman Electro) - D

INOCYBE (Confraria Psytrance – P)

KALIMAMBOH (Transient – UK)

MOIRA (Materia – SP)

POGO (Nano Rec / DragonFly – UK)

STYX (Dreamtime - GER/ROM) [click here]

THOMAS (Daime Tribe - BR)

TATA (Quest4Goa – PT)  
Chill   For the ambient area line up and more surprises stay tuned with the Daily Dragon @ Boom Festival.  
Location   S.Gião - Oliveira do Hospital
more tba  
Entry fee   now 165 Euro including Boom Ticket available here boom@dmt.ro

at Boom Info Stand you cand buy Afterboom tickets for 35 Euro at the Utopia Gate its 45 euro for UTOPIA only  
Organizer   good mood  
Infos   You’ll find the Utopia tickets at the Boom Shop and complete information about Utopia at the Boom Info Stand

After Boom what people want is a laid back environment surrounded by nature. The Utopia after party is the place to be.

Boom is filled with art and free expression, is a unique place in the world. Impossible to replicate. The Utopia after-party is a nice way to finish your Boom experience.
Smaller and in a beautiful place, it’s a party for you to relax after the deep and joyful experience that you had in the lake of Idanha-a-Nova.

In Utopia there will be an array of musicians, bands, DJs and live acts. You’ll have a chill out zone and dance floor, an environment full of shadows, secular trees and a river passing by.

Utopia is the name of an imaginary country or dimension where all is organized in a superior order. This perfect symbiosis manifests thru the wellbeing and happiness of the utopian inhabitants.

Many of today’s realities have been Utopias of the past. Hence in the future we will be living the Utopias of now.

We are all Utopians. We are pure reflections of the condensed future / past realities. All realities are simultaneous.

Let’s live the Utopia that surrounds us.  
Email   utopia@boomfestival.org  
Url   [click here]  
Submitted by   Dreamtime ProductionsDreamtime ProductionsICP
Romania/Sibiu / Hermannstadt (European Capital of Culture 2007)
Zuletzt hier: 1d 2h 23m
| Parties added by Dreamtime Productions  
Insert Date   Wed, 28 May 08 11:58h  
Last Edit   Mon, 28 Jul 08 16:13h/08/2008
Smiley  C'est une 1ere fois, la rencontre avec System 7, çà fait plaisir!!! Smiley  Smiley
>> Special Opening Act

SECRET VIBES (Óreades – FR)  http://www.secretvibes.org/

>> Live Acts

ACE VENTURA (Iboga – ISR) http://www.myspace.com/aceiboga

BRAINCELL (Glowing Flame / Phar Psyde – CH) http://www.myspace.com/braincellstudio

DEJAVOO (Transient – UK)  http://www.myspace.com/dejavoo303

ELECTRYPNOSE (Kabrathor Rec - FR) http://www.myspace.com/electrypnose

KRUNCH (Hommega – ISR) http://www.myspace.com/krunchmusic

NARCOPHONE (Addic-Sound - FR) http://www.myspace.com/narcophone

PARAHALU (Psylife Music - HU) http://www.myspace.com/parahalu

PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT (BOom Rec- FR) http://www.myspace.com/principlesofflight

POISON (Samaveda - PT) http://www.myspace.com/poisonoize7

SYSTEM 7 (A-Wave - UK) http://www.myspace.com/systm7

TRYON (Hypergate - PT) http://www.myspace.com/4tryon

VIBRACOUSTIC (Shaman Electro - CH) http://www.myspace.com/vibracoustic

>> DJ's

ACE VENTURA (Iboga – ISR) http://www.myspace.com/aceiboga

ANAHATA (Materia – SP) http://www.myspace.com/djanahata

ANESTETIC (Time Code – PT) http://www.myspace.com/djanestetic

FLUXO (Quest4Goa – PT) http://www.myspace.com/djfluxo

GIO (Yellow Sunshine Explosion – IT) http://iguana25.hi5.com/

IGUANA (Parvati / Noise Poison / Shaman Electro) - D http://iguana25.hi5.com/

INOCYBE (Confraria Psytrance – P) http://www.myspace.com/inocybefx

KALIMAMBOH (Transient – UK) http://www.myspace.com/kalimamboh

MOIRA (Materia – SP) http://www.myspace.com/djmoira

POGO (Nano Rec / Dragon Fly - UK) http://www.myspace.com/pogowingmakers

STYX (Dreamtime - Rom ) http://www.myspace.com/styxdmt

Thomas (daime Tribe - BR )

TATA (Quest4goa - PT) http://www.myspace.com/djtatas
Gros big up a mon pote Narcophone ...
Fais tout péter como el brasil Smiley
Dj iguana!!!  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  (de naked tourist)

et un gros béco à bony aussi si yé lé vois pô...  Smiley

Smiley  Smiley
Frankee wrote :
S.Gião - Oliveira do Hospital [Portugal] / Open Air UPDATE
Mon, 18 Aug 08 22:00h - Wed, 20 Aug 08 12:00h

>> Live Acts


Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley
Smiley  Smiley  Smiley

nannnn je dois aller bosser T__T_T_T_T__T_T
Ca va être, sans doute, plus pour les Portugais, cette petite sauterie!!! Smiley

pas mal du tout le ptit flyer  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley
Et bien, toujours pas de repports pour le Boom, bonne chance aux francais jouant la bas!!!
Sinon, à lundi pour l'ouverture de l'after!!! Smiley
Attention, tous les refoulés du Boom.. vont arrivés.. en MASSE..........
Ca va affluer à mon avis !!

Smiley  Smiley
Et bien, va falloir agrandir les murs alors!!!
En attendant, nous passons au Boom, les 2 derniers jours, histoire de voir un peu cette édition!!! Ca serait dommage de louper çà!! Smiley
Profitez bien du Live de SYSTEM 7…  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  C'est vraiment du très Grand !!!! et vraiment Super Happy !!!!  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley