- Symposium for 100th Birthday of Albert Hofmann - Basel

13 janvier 2006 à 00h00

Jer 3o

Voila de quoi contenter tout le monde, de la nourriture pour les pieds et pour la tête:


Concerts et soirées

vendredi 13 janvier 2006

Das Schiff et Gaia Media presentent

LSD Beatz + Psychedelic Grooves avec

Eat Static (UK)

Banco de Gaia (UK)

+ DJs


Samedi 14 janvier 2006

Kaserne-Basel et Gaia Media presentent
Live Space-Out avec

Guru Guru (GER)

Ozric Tentacles (UK)

Steve Hillage's System 7 (UK)


Samedi 14 janvier 2006

Dropout Productions et Gaia Media presentent

Mystical Experience
Homage to Albert Hofmann
Psychedelic Trance Event


SPACE TRIBE (Australia)

GOA GIL (India/Usa)


OLOWANPI (Switzerland)

plus de details bientot


l'acces a ces evenements ne sont pas compris dans les tarifs d'acces au symposium

(heureusement d'ailleur car les tarifs du symposium sont prohibitifs!!!)


le symposium:

ProgramEach day will begin with a musical "Tune-in". Afterwards, as well as in the early afternoons, the plenary events will be presented as a "Panorama": with short talks and panel discussions a chairperson and several speakers will illustrate the day's topic in order to give the audience reference points for easy navigation through the dense symposium program. Before noon, in the afternoon, and in the evening 45 to 90-minute seminars, workshops, and panels will be staged. As a rule there will be three blocks of four events each. At the end of most lectures the speakers will be available for discussions and/or individual conversations. In addition our supporting program in the Convention Center’s big lobby offers ample opportunity to meet famous scientists, therapists, and witnesses of the times, to discuss with them and to ask questions.

vendredi 13 janvier:

From the Plants of the Gods to LSD

What is D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide? • The Discovery of LSD-25 • The Witches of Salem: Ergot as Remedy and Devil’s Poison • Methergine, Hydergine and Dihydergot: Medical Applications of Ergot Derivates • Teonanacatl: The Synthesis of Psilocybin by Albert Hofmann • Approaches: Hofmann’s Friendship with Ernst Jünger • Appreciation of Albert Hofmann’s Lifework • Writers and Drugs: From Charles Baudelaire to Aldous Huxley • LSD and the Eleusinian Mysteries • Plants of the Gods: Gordon Wasson and Richard E. Schultes • The Relatives of LSD: Ololiuqui and Ayahuasca • LSD-Research and Psychotherapy in the 50s • LSD behind the Iron Curtain: Stanislav Grof’s Work in Prague • Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds: Psychedelic movement of the 60s • The Problem Child: LSD and the Mass Media • The Empire Strikes Back: The Demonizing of LSD and the Supression of Research • From Grateful Dead to Jimi Hendrix: LSD and Counterculture • Joyous Cosmology: Alan Watts and Timothy Leary • Woodstock or Paris May ‘68? - A Cultural Comparision

Samedi 14 janvier:

The Ecstatic Adventure

The Effects of LSD: The Position of Today’s Research • The Worldwide Application of LSD in Therapy • Special case Switzerland: LSD Research and Therapy • Psycholytic and Psychedelic Therapies • LSD in Design and Fashion • LSD in Art and Music • The History of Drug Policy • Mysticism and Psychosis: Common Grounds and Differentiation • The Necessity for Transcendence • The Right to Get High • Techniques of Altering Consciousness • The Significance of Set und Setting • LSD and Meditation • Neo-Shamanism • New Psychedelics and their Specific Effects • Tihkal und Pihkal: Research and Work of Alexander T. Shulgin • The Psychedelic Revival of the 90s: The Global Techno, Rave and Trance Rituals • From Religious Experience to Holistic Thinking

Dimanche 15 janvier:

New Dimensions of Consciousness

The Meaning of the Psychedelic Experience • Psychedelic Medicine: Therapy and Treatment • No Drugs – No Future: Sketches of an Adequate Drug Policy • The New Rituals: LSD as a Sacred Substance • Freedom and Hedonism: The Future of Psychedelics • Psychedelics and a New Paradigm: Personal Responsibility and Self Reliance • The Future of Religion: Dogma or Transcendental Experience: • The Future of Human Consciousness • Future Society: «Brave New World» or «Island» • Visions and Initiatives • Insights and Outlooks: A Summary • Closing Ceremony

programme détaillé, langue et interlocuteur : http://lsd.info/symposium/program-en/detailprogramm

tarif du symposium: http://lsd.info/symposium/visitors-en/preise2

Lire la suite
Teratone Vision (VJ - FR) se rajoute au line-up Psychedelic Art
Ca risque de dégommer sur le bâteau  Smiley
Jer 3o
quelques changements dans le line up et la date de la soirée dropout:

Dropout Productions and Gaia Media Stiftung present:

Mystical Experience

Date: Sunday Jan.15th,2006
Time: 22pm - 12pm
Location: DAS SCHIFF - a huge, 3 deck party boat!
Price: 35 CHF/25EUR No presale tickets (pas de prevente)


Navigators of Sound

GOA GIL (India/Usa)
OLOWANPI (Switzerland)
JAN vs PSYLORG (Switzerland)

Psychedelic Art

Punkadelik (Paintings - France)
Robert Venossa (VJ & Paintings - Usa)
Nils (3D Art - CH)
Cristalsource (Paintings - CH)
Merkabah (String Art - CH)
more tbd...


By Train: www.sbb.ch
From SBB train station >>>
Tram Nr.8 to last station Kleinhuenningen >>>
follow Signs

By Car: map.search.ch | www.rroutenplaner.de
Highway A2 - exit Basel Nord/direction 'Messe' >>>
direction Kleinhuenningen >>>
exit Hafen Basel/Kleinhuenningen >>>
direction 'Dreilaendereck' till Westquai

fredrix wrote :
Banco de Gaia +  Ozric  + System 7 Smiley

Smiley  Smiley
Purée, ça, c'est d'la teuf .... 'font bien tièp les Parigots à côté ....
Jer 3o
des infos pour le concert:

Live Space-Out Kaserne Basel Sa 14 Jan 06 | 21:00 | Reithalle

Ozric Tentacles (UK)
Guru Guru (DE)
Steve Hillage's System 7 (UK)

Tickets:  AK: 45.- CHF / VVK: 43.20 CHF  (environ 30 euro)



pour la soirée dropout j'en sais pas plus pour l'instant
fredrix wrote :

Tu des séances super intéressantes pour ton job:

• The Worldwide Application of LSD in Therapy
• Special case Switzerland: LSD Research and Therapy
• Psycholytic and Psychedelic Therapies

    Peut être une nouvelle voie thérapeutique.

c est a peut pres se que j avais vu  Smiley
ça dechire mais c vrai que c un peu reuch
rajshasha wrote :

moi aussi ca a l air hyper interessant, je vais a la rigueur proposer a mon taf d assiste a ces colloques, vu que je bosse en psy..... mais je crois que je peux rever

Tu des séances super intéressantes pour ton job:

• The Worldwide Application of LSD in Therapy
• Special case Switzerland: LSD Research and Therapy
• Psycholytic and Psychedelic Therapies

    Peut être une nouvelle voie thérapeutique.
mercuryfall wrote :
250 euros le symposium, c'est dommage----

ca m'aurait bien interessé....

maintenant, eat static, ozric tentacles et autres, ça laisse songeur...

moi aussi ca a l air hyper interessant, je vais a la rigueur proposer a mon taf d assiste a ces colloques, vu que je bosse en psy..... mais je crois que je peux rever
250 euros le symposium, c'est dommage----

ca m'aurait bien interessé....

maintenant, eat static, ozric tentacles et autres, ça laisse songeur...
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