Free Download! Wombatmusic - Shameful Silence


Artist: Wombatmusic (Denmark)
Genre: Downbeat/Chill-out

Free Download (mp3, 320kbps/Variable bitrate 250kbps) - Free wav download on email request!

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The sale of Wombatmusic's debut studio album "Shameful Silence", released 2007 on Chill Tribe Records and digital on Downbeats Records, has not been impressive. Even though it is a benefit release where every penny goes to the Children who suffered during the Israeli attack on Lebanon in 2006 many people seem to have chosen to download the Album on various torrent portals instead of supporting the cause. Luckily I was able to raise Euro 2900 via massive promotion to worldwide Radio stations who I want to thank for their amazing support. The money has been handed over to International Red-Cross marked as 100% help to the remaining child victims in Lebanon.

The CD has sold out on psyshop but is still available in many online shops. So please support the cause if you like the music. Search via Google here.

When that is said I have chosen to make the Album available for free now but donations are appreciated.
wombatmusic c'est elysium non ? j'ai hate d'écouter ça Smiley
2900 € raised for an album that's pretended not to had been well sold , is not so bad i think.

Btw Kristian, do you havealso any figures about Polyploid 's album which also benefits were claimed to be given to charity puroposes.

As a result i'm not convinced PKS did a good running choice with its label to provide the sales income of 2 of its 2007 releases; as nothing were released in 2008 & postponed to 2009 additionning of course with the current heath of psy-trance/chill market.

On the other way, sure from a notoriety view, it gains some points but in a longview model based on a difficult market industry , it's more than risky.
Let's hope at long term PKS will harvest some fruits from this strategy Smiley
@ Le Lotus Bleu

The Euro 2900 was not thanks to sales but because of hard promotion work from my side getting international radiostations to play the music and circulate the CD on Air. Sales has been very very bad with as far as I know not more than 2-300 sales.

I got no figures for PKS other releases. You have to ask him Smiley

It's always a risk to release benefit releases. It can result in great exposure and also backfire (I got my share of angry people telling me i was a jerk for supporting Libenese children).
I don't think the benefit releases has anything to do with PKS decision to postpone the releases. Lack of sales is probably the reason and benefit release releases also need to break even before any leftover can be paid to the benfit cause. I know we never broke even on my CD. So no matter if the two releases had been normal releases I still doubt they would have made Chilltribe Records more financial healthy.