
~°~ Maitreya's Mix #53 "Unclassified Digital Aesthetic" (Anti-Genre)

Genre Anti-Genre ! Abstract !

J'ai vraiment craqué sur ce petit site au concept bien sympa :
Je leur dédie ce mix... sans oublier mon pote Chris 'Ze Maitre Du Mal' @ Plan 9 auquel vient s'ajouter son brillant
Abdominal Modulations de l'album Akiloeth.

... Vastes séries de tracks dans les projets microsound, le choix fut difficile, le mix propose quelques extraits :

4 x Madrid
2 x Klanghausen
2 x City of the future
5 x Pi
1 x Stone & Ripple
1 x Watermann Memorial
1 x Steim Bufferfuct
3 x McDonna
2 x Parasites
47 x 7econds
1 x Plan 9

Les projets ont été réalisés entre 2001 et 2004.

Que dire d'autre??? Respect! ; çà suffira.


Mix n° : 53 - Maitreya
Titre : Unclassified Digital Aesthetic


Style : pas de style, pas de classement, c'est le but!!! on peut dire Abstract pour les puristes...
Durée : ~1h22
Date : Mardi 27 Mai 2008
Format : mp3 (CBR 192Kbps, 44khz)
Taille du fichier : 120,186,880 octets.
Nombre de parties mixées : 69


Pour télécharger, cliquez ici :

Alternative de téléchargement et d'écoute : Maitreya's Mixs page

A suivre,
Bonne écoute.

---- Pour ceux qui désirent en savoir plus ----

Les projets de sont des sujets dans lesquels des artistes étaient invités à participer...
Ces projets sont maintenant clos. Voici quelques copier/coller intéressants :

About City Of The Future

I rented Tarkovsky's 'Solaris' again last month after seeing the Soderbergh remake in LA last November and thought it would make for a good remix/treatment project...

I've always had a favorite part of 'Solaris': 'the city of the future' - as it is titled on the DVD release...the entire scene is recorded from the point of view of the astronaut as he drives to the city on the highway...the sound design for this particular scene has always haunted me...along with the sound for Eraserhead it is some of the best sound art in a film I can think of (other than Stalker that is)...

I thought the title was fitting due to the current world is not an overt political theme for the project but it implies hope for a city in the while this could mean 'Baghdad' it could also mean the city you live in/near or a city you like to visit...a city could also represent any large collection of various types and races of people...

in any event, this is meant to be a productive, constructive, creative theme expressing hope for the future...

About Madrid

Please excuse my fragmented thoughts but I am trying to find the correct words to describe this project so it shows respect to the victims of 3-11:

An act of terrorism took place in Madrid on March 11st that devastated the world... A country still healing from the bloodshed and destruction of Franco's fascist regime was hit again with more violence...

While it is still not clear who exactly is responsible for the bombings that occurred in Madrid it is clear that the systems we have in place which affords wealth and power to the few - over the many - no longer work and are the cause of many of our current problems and impede the development true democracies...

During the Spanish Civil War many artists and intellectuals helped the Spanish by fighting against the Nationalist factions... It is no surprise that artists from around the world always seem ready and willing to come to the aid of the Spanish people when they experience tragedy... It is time once again to show the Spanish people that we care by expressing our thoughts and feelings about this recent travesty...

About Klanghausen

In the spirit of providing the list with a summer project as well as paying homage to Herr Stockhausen (who we all owe a great deal to) we offer this invitation:

Use the Impulse.aiff soundfile in the 'Klanghausen' project folder (download from the .microsound server) or make your own impulse sound file in Peak, Cool Edit, PD or Max/MSP. First build a library of sounds created by sending your impulse through various types of plugins. Then create a new piece using this library.

About Pi

This project is dedicated to the transcendental number Pi.
Using Pi, .microsound list members composed pieces that use the number/concept in some direct way.
Also, pieces needed to be exactly 3:14 Min, and use Pi as a formula for their title.

These (tracks) are the results, released 3.14 (Pi Day).

About Stone & Ripple

‘the stone cast, the ripple made’

Kim Cascone, January 17 2003

I've always found creating waveforms using time-domain methods much more interesting than the typical FFT based methods...while I was working for Staccato Systems I came across a PC application called Wigout developed by Arun Chandra

Wigout allows one to create waveforms by transforming 'segments' in time.

The docs at the website will explain all this in more detail.
After speaking with Tad Turner about the idea of implementing Wigout in Max/MSP he developed a patch that incorporates Wigout's functionality plus some extra features.

After playing around with Tad's patch for a short while I was able to create some very unique sounds and thought that his patch could become the basis for a very cool list project.

About Parasites

Parasites being organisms that live on the host body of larger organisms, I thought it an interesting concept for the use in place of the idea of "samples".

In the spirit of providing the microsound list with a community project I offer this invitation:

   * Using only the material found on tracks 2 - 20 on the Parasites CD (anechoic a001) create a new work no longer than 5 minutes in length.
   * Upload finished work to the microsound hotline server for others to hear:
   * Feel free to mutate, mangle, destroy, induce failure in, and generally f_ck up the samples to your hearts content.

About Watermann Memorial

Celebrate the life and work of John Watermann (Feb.19.1935 - Apr.4.2002)

Using only the material found on the hotline server (in the "John Watermann Drop Box/raw sample" folder) create a new work no longer than 6 minutes in length.

As usual, feel free to mutate, mangle, destroy, induce failure in, and generally further f_ck up the samples to your hearts content.

About Steim BufferFuct

I recently spent a month at STEIM  developing a sound library called "bufferFuct".

The idea was to take bugs found in LiSa, their live sampling software, and use them in the creation of new sounds.

Most of the samples I developed are beat-oriented but this doesn't mean that the final pieces have to use beats.

About McDonna

On December 2001, Sonic Foundry organized a Madonna remix contest. Artists submitted tracks using samples from "Deeper and Deeper," "Music," and "Ray of Light."

About 7econds

The book 'Media Unlimited' by Todd Gitlin describes how the average length of time needed today to comprehend new information is approx. seven seconds. This is the reason why sound bites heard on TV and radio fit into this time frame. It would be an interesting task to create sound works that also fit within this time frame...

so here is a new microsound project:

   * create a piece no longer than seven seconds
   * there should a strong structural element (i.e., A-B-A, A-B-B-A, A-B-C-A, etc)...(it can be layered as well...for example: one layer consists of one sort of structure and another consists of a different one)
   * the piece should NOT be monochromatic (i.e., it should use different types of sounds)

About Plan 9


Smiley genre anti genre
bon apres ecoute, meme pas mal a la tete Smiley
parfait et merci de partager Smiley