ensure, if I quoted you, it is quite simply because I love you ------> In a freestyle spirit, the gifts will be transferred with our association for the realization of a Trance newspaper will know that 10% will be transferred with several caritative asssociations internationals while waiting for that the newspaper exists in version paper you can of A present to express you on: http://thedreamair.com[url]http://thedreamair.com[/url] which will be the etincelle one of your projects: THE WIZ STEP NEWS... WANTED 4 ASSOCIATIONS OR LABELS For our newspaper draft we propose to make the promotion of 4 associations and 4 labels Indeed, in the form of a GIE, economic grouping of interest we will editerons a newspaper has 5000 specimens and 500 posters to announce the 4 festivals of the month for the MASTERMAGS: [url]http://mastermags.net[/url] with for heading: for the gallery: artist plastics technician, musician, dj, vdj, decorator, computer graphics expert, for the directory with incription in parallele with [url]http://createurs.org[/url] for the search engine or the drafting: with access privilegié on the Net edito = in light and total transparency I wish to develop with you a newspaper in time reel. ideology = free world our equipe = you our members = you and your friends projects = the votres events = you and your partners history = for ART WEB TRAVELLER our partners = largest of this world with invitations, reductions, has evenings deprived for the members who will support our newspaper by subscription bus if this demarre projects, it will not be able any more arreter, I will be always available with or without me thanks to Internet, same if I were to leave for a great travel just with the "trance mission" My only desire is that that exists quite simply and that what will be to develop could be taken as an example If association turns into to benefit I promises you that it will be to use with a total tranceparence to work for the success of all... Small more Internet they is video are to it tele trance director of the divine reality Freddy Dreams [url]http://freddy4dreams.new.fr[/url] the next stage, I buy a table of mix, and I you prepare also of the sounds has me to let to me just time necessary to make you still more haluciner but also to become aware good for all the world here a small recall post blocked: http://skyforum.ayzo.net/s,trancegoa,9,,11352,1,.html but ATTENTION, you can poster only from here!!! with all my friends and those which I apprecie... the list is long and those which I will like to better know (into private also: after, meal, another exit... etc) it is a little for that that I wish to make the fanzine trance for better knowing those which I like, and public too But also to organize transport does not have expensive thanks to the concept of the GIE economic Groupement of interest I espere to be able quickly to be supported by the organizers, town halls, ministére of transport, ministry for the culture... and all commercants of the city. in order to pass the color has and that they is free in teuf and to diffuse has a new public in order to see a new breath re-examining people with the eyes ecarquiller "wouahou C Ca a festival... C of the ball" has to see on the site: [url]http://createurs.org/lepassage[/url] the site have just opened it will developpera itself with time, are lenient if you have some ideas or suggestions made it me leaves in MP or Mail at [url]maito:freddy4dreams@hotmail.com[/url]">

Just live it !!! incredible festival for every passion

from the 23 to the 31 from Marseilles in Paris if the whole of the people who have their parents too far for to celebrate Chrismas in Family, I organize this festival, for the demarage, them then are added by the means of a route chosen by the public one

I am explained, if you know an empty place, a new law prohibits the inactivity of a place take assault and take the care to do an artistic and cultural work to have the support of the state

rom Paris has Marseilles, u!n true convoy between Paris and Marseilles the place and held secret, but it will be devoilera has all those which want to only take part by mall or by receiving our newspaper with a simple adhesion with 5 euros per annum register initially free on http://createurs.org

then it is open dj, open djette underground only on donation by the means of the lottery of art, and you choose your gift... and not, you will not leave the empty hands, because all the numbers are gaining

+ of 6000 m2 await you with a very clear impression to be moving
for more information at : [url]mailto:freddy4dreams@hotmail.com[/url]

or the linup it is Will or will or will and me even and yes that made well 4 + Guest but it is absolutely not willywhy which we will propose with the young grass DJ, but also with our expert pals on the matter, if their desire is to transmit their capacity of mixer to rising generation

but it is which, of which will' S to you it it acts is surely will connection

olive, virtuart, cyclops, Roman, jacque Jean, kick bong, Gerard, "HILIGHT TRIBE", I did not forget anybody... if you come just by pure pleasure for pure the fun, same if you do not play for me the interest would be to thank you for having been present, by urging me to write you an interview on our magazine electronic with all... it would be least thing than to intervene in the newspaper than you support, the famous newspaper 16/9em bus if you etes present with the festival, you will be filmed...

> ensure, if I quoted you, it is quite simply because I love you ------>  

In a freestyle spirit, the gifts will be transferred with our association for the realization of a Trance newspaper will know that 10% will be transferred with several caritative asssociations internationals

while waiting for that the newspaper exists in version paper you can of A present to express you on: http://thedreamair.comhttp://thedreamair.com which will be the etincelle one of your projects: THE WIZ STEP NEWS... WANTED 4 ASSOCIATIONS OR LABELS

For our newspaper draft we propose to make the promotion of 4 associations and 4 labels Indeed, in the form of a GIE, economic grouping of interest we will editerons a newspaper has 5000 specimens and 500 posters to announce the 4 festivals of the month

for the MASTERMAGS: http://mastermags.net with for heading: for the gallery: artist plastics technician, musician, dj, vdj, decorator, computer graphics expert, for the directory with incription in parallele with http://createurs.org for the search engine

or the drafting: with access privilegié on the Net
edito = in light and total transparency I wish to develop with you a newspaper in time reel.
ideology = free world
our equipe = you
our members = you and your friends
projects = the votres
events = you and your partners
history = for ART WEB TRAVELLER
our partners = largest of this world

with invitations, reductions, has evenings deprived for the members who will support our newspaper by subscription bus if this demarre projects, it will not be able any more arreter, I will be always available with or without me thanks to Internet, same if I were to leave for a great travel

just with the "trance mission" My only desire is that that exists quite simply and that what will be to develop could be taken as an example If association turns into to benefit I promises you that it will be to use with a total tranceparence to work for the success of all...

Small more Internet they is video are to it tele trance director of the divine reality Freddy Dreams http://freddy4dreams.new.fr

the next stage, I buy a table of mix, and I you prepare also of the sounds has me to let to me just time necessary to make you still more haluciner but also to become aware good for all the world here a small recall post blocked: http://skyforum.ayzo.net/s,trancegoa,9,,11352,1,.html

but ATTENTION, you can poster only from here!!! with all my friends and those which I apprecie... the list is long and those which I will like to better know (into private also: after, meal, another exit... etc) it is a little for that that I wish to make the fanzine trance for better knowing those which I like, and public too

But also to organize transport does not have expensive thanks to the concept of the GIE economic Groupement of interest I espere to be able quickly to be supported by the organizers, town halls, ministére of transport, ministry for the culture... and all commercants of the city.

in order to pass the color has and that they is free in teuf and to diffuse has a new public in order to see a new breath re-examining people with the eyes ecarquiller "wouahou C Ca a festival... C of the ball" has to see on the site: http://createurs.org/lepassage

the site have just opened it will developpera itself with time, are lenient if you have some ideas or suggestions made it me leaves in MP or Mail at [url]maito:freddy4dreams@hotmail.com[/url]
you're speak good english fredy nice!  Smiley
LIPO wrote :
you're speak good english fredy nice!  Smiley

si tu vois une seule erreure previens moi donc
Gros Minet wrote :
if you come just by pure pleasure for pure the fun,  


si tu vois une seule erreure previens moi donc

[citation]the next stage, I buy a table of mix, and I you prepare also of the sounds has me to let to me just time necessary to make you still more haluciner but also to become aware good for all the world here a small recall post blocked: http://skyforum.ayzo.net/s,trancegoa,9,,11352,1,.html[/citation]

You speak english as a spanish cow... one would say...
You have to know that online translators are not good with french.... even more if you do not speak good french
All I can say is :

freddy, you're definitely the best !
I think you didn't read it before posting this really shitty translation
(even your text in french I think you didn't read)
but just to let you  know, your posts give big headache , even more in english
so pleeeeeease , stop it and get a life !
Smiley , freddy, l'homme aux 4 pseudos  Smiley
Yeah! TG kings of the bash!  Smiley
Ze Yes needz ze no to ouine against ze no.

Jean Pierre. R (2005)

Smiley  Smiley  Smiley
You're such a preak Mister Freddy no dream!!

Get you the Harrap's and a brain........instead of talking shit all the time...

My balls on your forehead and you will look like a turkey....Think about it!!!

Smiley  Smiley  Smiley
thanks freddy for this piece of art! i nearly had a pee!
but your concept is  Smiley
for what I could get out of it!
@ gros minet or fakever

If I undestood your post
I'm personnaly oke to groove on such a fake  Smiley
Smiley  Smiley  Smiley
peace and fake