after large discussion I can to finally give you more infos first of all some photos because it's an amazing place

left highway (northern Perpignan airport) then follow the instructions on the infoline


Line-up : Dance-Floor

Crispod (Mystical Druide Society) Lille France
Pavi (Psychedelik Dream Temple) London Uk
seraph (psychotherhappy) Perpignan France
Toxic (Mechanic-Sound Cosmictrance) Barcelone Spain
Kevmix (Fric-sound) Marseille France
Richard (Sythiac) Edimbourg Uk
Abdiel (Jumbotrance-Cosmictrance) Barcelone Spain
Droid (Cosmictrance) Barcelone Spain

Chill-out performance by Urkynaohm.da.project
Line up :

Jason (Urkynaohm.da.project) Tonronto Canada
Justin (Cheos) Barcelone Spain

juggler fire performance by g-rom and his Team

13 KWATT(ADAMSON) sound-system  16h nonstop Psychedelik Trance music

infoline open the Octobre 18 +33670686228

particapation with the expenses 10€

Respect the Nature  securite  carpark supervises no drug's  no dog's on the dance-floor
any info available

Thank you has to you all and rendez-vous the Octobre 18  Smiley  Smiley       BOOM  Full Power   Smiley  Smiley
PS  Fancydress are welcome