If you are a music producer, CAUTION! Widespread fraud is taking money, credit away from artists!
Your author's rights were violated? Was your contract breached? Did you ever received intimidating emails or messages from Thomas Vitali after you tried to protect your affected works? If you have ever had a bad experience or been scammed by Thomas Vitali, please share your experience!
Ok, but who is Thomas Vitali and why should I be careful?? I never heard of him! Well, i'm glad you ask; Thomas Vitali also known as: Thelavish, Dayfox, Bravelion, Sunstryk, Chemicus", and more pseudonyms, is the owner of approximately 200 digital labels covering various genres of electronic music... through its labels has committed multiple author rights violations for its own monetary benefit, and as if that weren't enough, he intimidates artists who try to defend their work of this abusive actions which besides are illegal due it's against the laws that protect authors in any country in the world!if you are interested in knowing more about this man and situation, you can read the following article:https://notyourjukebox.com/2020/07/08/widespread-fraud-is-taking-money-credit-away-from-artistsBelow are just few proofs of hundreds:

 #vitalifraud #vitaliscam #thomasvitalifraudster #thomasvitaliscammer #vitalirepeatinfringer