Boule psyché

C'est un peu a corps perdu que je lance ce topic...
Quelqu'un pourrait me dire comment sont réalisés les "boules" de ce style ? :


Ca me semble trop précis et régulier pour être fait avec de la peinture tout simplement  Smiley
c'est une balle de jonglage non?  surement un imprimé sur tissus tt betement !
Je n'y avais pas pensé xD


Celle-ci semble illuminée de l'intérieur.


La par contre on retrouve + une texture style tissus...
je serai tentée de dire que c'est de la fimo, on dirait vraiment la technique du millefiori qui permet de reproduire les meme motifs...
et pour celle qui est illuminée de l'interieur, une coque transparente recouverte de fimo colorée translucide
Miette wrote :
je serai tentée de dire que c'est de la fimo, on dirait vraiment la technique du millefiori qui permet de reproduire les meme motifs...
et pour celle qui est illuminée de l'interieur, une coque transparente recouverte de fimo colorée translucide


miette a l'oeil et le bon  Smiley

Smiley coucou les filles, j'en profite pour vous souhaiter plein de dékotations  Smiley de folie  Smiley
1er tof : bien tripante !
y'a du niveau dans le millefiori !!!
une coque transparente ? alors que ça passe au four ? Peut etre en verre ?... Smiley
oui en verre... ou deux demi-boules transparentes assemblées avec la seconde couche en couleur... bref ya moyen, tout est possible avec de la fimo Smiley
bon coup d'oeil, ca me semblait trop complexe comme truc pour de la fimo, surtout les symmétries multiples. mais effectivement:

What Is Millefiorigami? 'Sculpture' with extra dimensions. The pieces are 4 dimensional in terms of light. I use a synthetic medium called polymer clay, which comes in many mixable colors including translucent, glow-in-the-dark, and fluorescent(black light reactive). The assortment of light propeties allows the interdimensionality. The pieces contain symbolic, numerical and chaotic information. They are my attempt at creating 'loaded' artwork, something integral, containing intrinsic value. The patterns are built from individual pieces of clay. I build 'pixels' which are cylinders of clay built from layers which are wrapped around an inner cylindrical core, such that if you cut the cylinder across, the pattern inside resembles a 'target' of concentric rings of color. The cylinders can be 'reduced' by rolling, which makes them longer and thinner. The 'cane' can then be cut into several pieces and arranged into a square, triangle, etc. consisting of pixels. The cane is further reduced keeping it even to preserve the consistency of the pattern. Cut apart further, the shapes can be formed into a 'grid'. I usually shape the grids like a shallow convex curve, a crescent (looking at the cross section which shows the pattern). Several grids are then arranged into a final cane form, usually a prism shaped tirangular cane 4-6 inches tall by 4-6 long with the pattern consistant throughout its length. The cane can be any shape, but triangles and squares are the most common in my work. The big cane is then reduced to anywhere from 1/4 to 3 inches tall. A large razor blade is used to cut 1mm slices from the cane. These slices can be arranged into an infinite number of 2 and 3 dimensional symmetries, which I assemble together into representational sculptures of animals, humanoid faces and plants. Once finished, the pieces are cooked in a conventional (or toaser) oven at 275 degrees for a short time, they harden and I take digital pictures of them in various light settings. The process is ongoing and resembles the flow of evolution. The cane construction itself flows from simple to complex: pixel(point), grid(linear element), cane(planar element), flat symmetry(plane with embedded numerical values), 3d symmetry(form with both numerical and geometric information), forms assembled together into representational sculptures(creatures from nature constructed from Conscious Light)... The next step is arranging the representational elements into scenes which represent specific Noospheric elements by placing them into an environment together. This is a big leap because at this point every step from the beginning can be deliberately planned, taking all the elements into account to mindfully layer information, maximizing the impact of the intention. This ongoing project is my personal supplement to Integral Theory, an exersize in becoming a self-aware evolutionary process.

il se fait chier le mec.
Trop bien réussi l'autoportrait en Fimo !! Smiley
Il se fait chier mais ça rend super bien !! Smiley
Smiley  Smiley  Smiley